Saturday, January 13, 2007

Returning to Blog After Work_Vacation

So nice to be back home again after a whirlwind work vacation -- work for me, vacation for Phil. The photograph on this blog was taken by me at an alligator bayou in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The moon was shining while the sun was setting. The reflections from the water just seemed to be a nice 'toast' to the day's events.

I must say, I fell in love with the Louisiana and Texas coast. The people of the bayou are so nice and friendly, so unlike what is obvious to me at home; however, I imagine every home environment shows its true colors to those who reside in the area.

I am always amazed that Charleston, SC markets itself as the 'city of hospitality.' Perhaps those who created this description of Charleston are clueless to the area. With the increase in crime, road rage, and the outrage of so many who are supposed to be 'hospitable' maybe the powers that be should rethink that description! Charleston might be my home now, but I am astonished at how the "City of Hospitality" is filled with rude, inconsiderate people who use their middle finger to demonstrate their true colors!

While in Baton Rouge, I was mesmerized with the warmth of the area and how open-minded the people from the bayou country were to me. After leaving Baton Rouge, we drove to Beaumont, Texas -- a city filled with 'Texas with a little something extra!'

I will write more about Beaumont in a few days, after finding and organizing all of my notes and literature. For now, I will say, Beaumont is truly a city I would love to live in. Restaurants are not filled with cigarette smoke so thick one could cut it with a knife. The music, people, atmosphere, history, food and culture are amazing. What truly amazed me is when I asked people I met where they came from, almost all of them were from Beaumont, Baton Rouge, or some city close by. Home bodies! And who could blame them. Texas is a state RICH with the finest of life.

As George Strait sings about "All My Exes Live in Texas," I say -- who could blame them! Texas, especially the City of Beaumont has much to be proud of.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Time to Resolve, To Make New Year Resolutions

Yes, I'm a writer, filled with with bright, fresh ideas, stories and much more. I must laugh when people express, "Oh, you're a writer. How exciting."

Under my breath, I laugh. Yes, I'm a writer. Someone filled with W-Wit. R-ejection. I-Intensity. T-Tenacity. E-Energy - well, maybe - depending on the day of the week. R-Rejection - especially when the story is published and the check is in my hands!

Put it together - W-R-I-T-E-R. Yes, I qualify for that!

I've been a writer, at least a struggling writer, since 1992, or earlier. Now, I'm striving to do it for a living. Thank goodness for a husband!

Still, I strive to be independent and financially secure, but we do live in a two income society, and I am thankful that now my husband Phil FINALLY appreciates my struggle and talent for words.

No one but another writer can appreciate what we tolerate, and now that 2007 is quickly approaching, I am playing with words again, only this time I am building my 2007 goals.

To increase income from writing by targeting corporate markets for copywriting/marketing assignments, magazines, film, and get a new contract for travel guidebook
Increase publication credits by sending queries out on a regular basis – target film companies for options
Sign with a reputable agency

Increase income from previous year (those specifics shall remain confidential)
• Publish at least one story weekly
• Option one screenplay
• Market for agency representation
• Target local and national corporations
Compile spreadsheet of targeted companies
Cover letter to companies

Although my 2007 goals are much more detailed and targeted with the strategies of Goal Writing, I choose to keep them a bit confidential, after all, they are my goals and must be targeted to my specifications.

So, as you can see, writers are a weird society. We are accustomed to placing our names, credentials open to the public for criticism and much rejection. We are writers, and we can tolerate the rejections. We spend many nights fighting to sleep when our minds race with thoughts, characters, stories, plots, deadlines, and the rat race of life. Finally, in desperation, we throw back the covers, fluff the pillow, and trot to the computer, stopping to turn the coffee pot and lights on, while noticing, our house is the ONLY house in the neighborhood with lights, camera, and action on. My neighbors must think I'm insane! No wonder why they only raise one hand in the mornings, to say hello while silently thinking to themselves, "Isn't she the only one in the neighborhood with her lights on at 3am. Just WHAT is SHE DOING at that time?"

Funny. Whenever they need a business letter composed, or an issue with Town Hall resolved -- who is it they turn to???

Yep. It is ME! The woman who receives anonymous letters in her mailbox -- to fight and be the 'advocate' of the neighborhood.

And you wonder why I AM A WRITER?

What are your goals for 2007? Get busy and polish your strategies for the new year, and make 2007 the best of years!

After all, I am a writer. I dance to my own tune. Sing my own song. Isolate my life while my fingers dance on a keyboard.

Such is the life -- of a writer!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

When I Think About Christmas

As a writer, when I think about Christmas, I remember my family. Although we were dysfunctional, when we shared Christmas with our grandparents, we had special times, at least on that day. Times of attending church, singing in the choir, making homemade, home baked items. I baked the cakes, cookies and dinner. Grandma baked the pies. Our mother worked at a hospital, so her holiday was spent servicing patients.

I think back to the Holiday of Christmas when I was in high school and a few years aferward. During my senior year of high school, I was passionately in love, engaged to be married to a great guy. Traveling to New Hampshire with my fiance and his dad, my mother and another one of my sisters, I had stars in my eyes, and first love beating inside my heart. The weather was cold when we arrived and I prayed for snow. I got my wish. On Christmas Eve, I was blessed to build a snow man, and to meet my fiance's family. His mother and I had spoken on the phone many times, written letters, and I shared my heart with her. She was truly the mother I always dreamed of having, but as we know we cannot pick our birth mother, can we? Meeting his family I was mesmerized at how warm and affectionate they were and how welcoming they opened their arms to me. I felt so blessed. Ah, that first love!

In January of that year, things changed when my fiance and I broke up. Now, years later, I am thankful I found the strength to survive that heart break. Till this day, Mrs. Brousseau and I are still friends and we converse, sometimes at Christmas, and at other times during the year. She is a woman of substance and she has been such an influence in my life -- all of my adult life. She understands me. We laugh and chat about many things, just like two close girlfriends. I don't know exactly what caused us to bond, but she has been a major role model for me. Hard working, determined, with a heart as big as the sky, full of love for her children, I feel so blessed to know her.

Another influential Holiday season was the Thanksgiving I stood at the airport, watching my husband boarding a jet to Vietnam. I kept questioning how the government to send someone to a warzone on a holiday. That Christmas I was miserable. We did not have e-mail, cell phones, or long distance service in the jungles of Vietnam. It took ten days for a letter to get to him, and ten days for me to get a reply. It was the loneliest Christmas I've ever known. Only married three months at the time, I've never forgotten how lost and alone I was. Maybe that has been a special gift for us, because during the difficult times of marriage, I've never forgotten that Christmas.

Flash forward to many Christmas holiday seasons. Still married to that soldier (Phil) we do our best to make the holidays special. Tonight, since it is Christmas Eve, I'm starting a new tradition for us. When we open our gifts, we are sitting by the tree, a cold glass of champagne is chilling and while we open gifts, we will toast our love, our life, and our special times.

Many of our traditions have changed over the years, and now, I am hopeful to build new ones, especially since our son is married now, building a life with his wife and our special grandson.

What are your traditions? Merry Christmas

Wishing All a Merry Christmas

The Eve of Christmas is here. In Charleston, SC the temps are warm, the day gloomy and gray, unlike many winter days in cold climates. While I rush to tidy the house, polish furniture and decorate my red velvet cake, I'd like to take a moment to wish everyone who reads this the Merriest of the Christmas season.

You will note in my postings, I always spell Christmas completely. When I was a child, I wrote Xmas once. My grandmother, a grand lady with strong religious beliefs scolded me when she noticed I had left Christ out of Christmas. Her words made a strong impression on me and I always encourage others to always spell Christmas, not take a short cut.

Perhaps a bit childish on my part, but my grandmother was a strong, impressive and courageous woman who instilled my values and morals. I have much to thank her for and at Christmas time, I try to make a few moments to remember her, while sitting at my window, glancing up in the skyline. Grandma always said whenever I was burdened if I would take a moment, look up into the Heavens and say a silent prayer, my burden would lift. Why? Simple. I've shown thru faith that I know there is a higher power in the Heavens and He is listening, regardless where, or how busy we are.

Today, I wish all of you the Happiest of the seasons, especially at Christmas time. Let us all strive to slow down a bit, to make time to open our hearts to those we love, and those we hardly know. Let us share the warmth of Christmas every day.

Merry Christmas!